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Business information

Corporate profile

* As of March, 2023

Name of the corporation : Yamato Home Convenience Co., Ltd.
Date of establishment : September 4, 1985
Postal Code : 103-0007
Location of head office : TIE Hamacyo Building, 2F, 2-61-9, Hamacyo, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director President and Executive Officer : Hideki Terada


Capital : 100 million JPY
Number of employees : 2,811

Business activities

Based on our nationwide two-man network, we do not stop at "transporting" important household goods, but go one step further to provide services in the space of the house (i.e., ienaka).
We provide services to both individual and corporate customers by utilizing the management resources of both the Art Group and the Yamato Group in order to meet the needs and concerns of our customers.
We are committed to responding flexibly and promptly to changes in society and lifestyles,
developing new products and services that are more convenient, and further improving quality in pursuit of greater convenience for all customers.

Please feel free to contact us if you need more information about our services!

Busy season (3/20~4/10)

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