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Safety measures in our company against new coronavirus infection

Our Safety Measures Against New Coronavirus Infections (Updated May 8, 2023)

Dear Customers

Thank you for your continued business with Yamato Home Convenience Co.

In order to prevent the spread of the new type of coronavirus infection, we will continue to implement the following measures at our branches nationwide to ensure that our customers can use our services with peace of mind, based on the government policy decision from May 8 (Mon.), 2023.

<Safety measures against new coronavirus infection>

We will take measures to prevent infection when serving customers.

- Masks will be worn when working at customers' homes and serving customers.
We will leave the wearing of masks to the discretion of the customer.

- The customer's signature or seal of receipt is not required. Our workers will note the customer's confirmation and receipt on the delivery note in lieu of a receipt stamp and signature.

For inquiries, please contact us at the following e-mail address.
E-mail address: y5229016@kuronekoyamato.co.jp

Foreign Customer coordinator
Yamato Home Convenience Co. Ltd.

Please feel free to contact us if you need more information about our services!

Busy season (3/20~4/10)

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